

Alia is a Shopify App designed to improve customer loyalty and sales. It allows small businesses to improve their loyalty by adding a lessons and rewards system to their shop. By learning the backstories of the businesses through quick lessons, customers receive discounts and feel more connected to the brand.

Product Design
UI Design


I was tasked with redesigning the Shopify dashboard for business owners. The previous dashboard failed to deliver an intuitive onboarding experience and was difficult for users to navigate. Within the constraints of Shopify's UI Kit, Polaris, I designed a brand new onboarding experience, introduced a vertical sidebar navigation system, and redesigned each page with the user in mind.

The Original Dashboard

Onboarding Experience

The new onboarding experience provides users with an educational introduction after they download the application. They learn how the widget works on their storefront and how to manage their program in the dashboard.

Home Page

The home page of the dashboard serves as the bridge between the onboarding experience and the program itself. When users first launch the home page, they are presented with a series of instructions to set up their program. After they complete the set-up steps, a pop up shows users how they can save on their Alia subscription, making it an engaging gamified experience for shop owners. Users can also see statistics for their business loyalty to see how they are reaching customers and driving sales.

Program Pages (Lessons and Rewards)

The program section with nested navigation for Lessons and Rewards is where users go to manage their program. Here, they can efficiently manage all of their lessons and rewards.

Customers Page

I added a customers page to the dashboard so business owners would be able to see and manage who is using their program. Currently this page is simply informative, but future features will allow business owners to interact with their customers in order to provide a personalized experience.

Billing Page

The billing page is now gamified with "Ways to Save" to encourage business owners to keep using Alia past the free trial. They can save on their subscription by promoting the app and continuing to add lessons.